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The Good Shepherd Sisters of Phuket


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Last Updated: 02.26.12
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Countries/States Served: TH
People Utilized or Employed: Critical Care Medicine, Family Medicine, General Preventive Medicine, Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Public Health, Social Work
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Premedical Students, Nursing Students, Prenursing Students
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month) and Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills: English, Thai, Burmese
Religious Affiliations:
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Current Volunteer Opportunities (Unpaid Positions)
Healthcare Volunteer needed for 1 to 3 months
Opportunity Description: Responsibilities: Volunteers are to support the sisters in mission performing outreach to small communities affected by human trafficking and poverty around Phuket. Due to human trafficking, many Burmese families experience displacement in work camps. Other Thai and Burmese have fallen victim to corrupt policies and laws that have burdened their chances of survival. Most of these families live on work camp sites doing strenuous labor at the fishing ports, aboard ships or at construction sites. The Burmese children cannot enter into the Thai education system, so the Good Shepherd has set up a school for these children. Many of the families are set-up in unsanitary, and small shanty houses where that are unfit for living. The Good Shepherd has therefore also set-up safe houses for the women to stay in, during and after pregnancy. This improves the chance of a mother giving a healthy birth to a healthy child and offers an opportunity for the mother’s to live in a safe and clean environment with their babies. A consistent problem with all of these families is that they do not receive regular healthcare. Healthcare volunteers are needed for outreach program assistance to do formal check-ups in the campsites and housing units as well as assisting with any critical care. Volunteers are expected to work an average of 30 hours a week with the sisters of the Good Shepherd. They will join in with the sisters on outreach days and help problem solve and join meetings for improving the program and resolving critical issues. Qualifications: -Volunteers need to have a minimum undergraduate college degree -Volunteers need to speak English fluently -Volunteers need to have previous volunteer experience -Knowledge of Thai or Burmese language is a plus -Graduate degree is a plus
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 3
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Birthing Volunteer needed for 1 to 3 months
Opportunity Description: Responsibilities: Volunteers are to support the sisters in mission performing outreach to small communities affected by human trafficking and poverty around Phuket. Due to human trafficking, many Burmese families experience displacement in work camps. Other Thai and Burmese have fallen victim to corrupt policies and laws that have burdened their chances of survival. Most of these families live on work camp sites doing strenuous labor at the fishing ports, aboard ships or at construction sites. The Burmese children cannot enter into the Thai education system, so the Good Shepherd has set up a school for these children. Many of the families are set-up in unsanitary, and small shanty houses where that are unfit for living. The Good Shepherd has therefore also set-up safe houses for the women to stay in, during and after pregnancy. This improves the chance of a mother giving a healthy birth to a healthy child and offers an opportunity for the mother’s to live in a safe and clean environment with their babies. A consistent problem with all of these families is that they do not receive regular healthcare. Nurses and Midwife volunteers are needed for outreach assistance to do formal check-ups in the campsites and housing units on the pregnant women and their newborns. Local healthcare volunteers need training in how to provide support around birth and be given basic midwifery training. Volunteers need to assist with any critical care that may arise. Volunteers are expected to work an average of 30 hours a week with the sisters of the Good Shepherd. They will join in with the sisters on outreach days and help problem solve and join meetings for improving the program and resolving critical issues. Qualifications: -Volunteers need to be a licensed nurse or midwife -Volunteers need to speak English fluently -Volunteers need to have previous volunteer experience -Volunteers need to be able to train and teach local healthcare volunteers how to support women around birth -Knowledge of Thai or Burmese language is a plus -Graduate degree is a plus
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 3
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
The Good Shepherd offer social services to those most in need, irrespective of race and religion. They work in direct service projects with women, children and families to empower, enhance dignity, support self-sufficiency, and build esteem in those who have been excluded from the benefits of society.
Trips and Activities
No trips found for The Good Shepherd Sisters of Phuket.